Gary – Bulletin + Vjesnik
Sunday, October 24, 2010 30th Sunday in Ord. Time
Sunday, October 24, 2010 30th Sunday in Ord. Time
Life and Worship: Holy Rosary Sodality Sunday. Members will attend 10:00 AM Mass. They will have no meeting in the morning because they will have social after the Living Rosary in the hall.
Today: World Mission Sunday. Second Collection will be taken up for organization: Propagation of the Faith. Also, please, read Fr. Stephen’s Words of Wisdom about Missions.
Living Rosary and October Devotion will be held today at 2:00 PM. It will conclude with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Knights of Columbus will provide an honor guard. Social will follow in the church hall. Sponsored by the Holy Rosary Sodality. All are welcome.
Commissions and Pastoral Council Evaluation and Planning Retreat will be held at St. Mark’s on Tuesday, October 26 at 6:30 PM. All members of our Council are expected to attend.
Stewardship, Time and Talent: Church Collection needed every week: $2,500.00.
Fall Raffle 2010 tickets can be bought in the vestibule. 1 ticket for $1. 12 tickets for $10. Drawing: November 7 at 4 PM during the game of Bingo.
Game of Bingo will be played in our church hall on Sunday, November 7 at 1:30 PM. Sponsored by the Holy Rosary Sodality. Come to play Bingo and stay for the drawing of lucky winners of our Fall Raffle at 4 PM. Food and refreshments will be sold.
Holy Name Society will sell nut and poppy seed rolls on Sunday, November 14 at all Masses. Price: half a roll for $10. Give it a try!
Social Justice: “40 Days for Life” vigil continues in front of the Planned Parenthood, 8645 Connecticut St. until October 31st. You may also fast and donate to charities.
Distribute letters about Human Trafficking to local businesses. Pick up the letters in the sacristy.
Lectors: Saturday, October 23: Fredra Pulliam; October 30: Rose Sutton:
Sunday, October 24: Daniel Kuzma; October 31: Carmen Lenzo;
Pray for the Sick: Jane Skala, Victor Swetky, Amalia Yaros, Jasmine Kuyachich, Josephine Doherty, Frances Zivich, Mary Horan
Nedjelja, 24. listopada: 30. nedjelja kroz godinu. Misijska Nedjelja. Druga Kolekta skuplja se za organizaciju koja dijeli pomoć misionarima.
Društvo Sv. Krunice ima Misu u 10 ujutro. Neće biti sastanka nego druženje u dvorani nakon Žive Krunice i Listopadske Pobožnosti u crkvi u 2 popodne.
Tiketi za Jesensku Lutriju 2010 mogu se kupite na ulazu u crkvu. 1 tiket za $1.00. 12 tiketa za $10.
Napišite imena vaših dragih pokojnika i naručite Misu Devetnicu koja će se služiti od 2. do 10. listopada.
Sunday, October 24: 30th Sunday in Ord. Time
The Lord hears the cry of the poor8:30
-+Greg Stevens from the family
for the members of the Holy Rosary Sodality
dec. Katherine Jancetic from Lillian and Paula Stevens
Monday, October 25
-members of the Parish
Souls in Purgatory
Tuesday, October 26:8:00
-+Millie Sanders from M/M Thomas McCobb
Souls in Purgatory
Wednesday, October 27:8:00, -+George Flores from Joyce and Jim Schenher
Thursday, October 28:
St. Simon and St. Jude8:00
-+Gina M. Podnar from Amanda and Jim Wolf
Souls in Purgatory
Friday, October 298:00, -+Ivan & Katherine Znika from Peter & Theresa Znika
Saturday, October 308:00,
4:30 PM+Mary and Louis Petravich from Louis Jancetic
+Katherine Jancetic from the family
+George Flores from William and Elaine Jonaitis
Sunday, October 31: 31st Sunday in Ord. Time8:30
-+Peter & Slavica Cigic from dau. Dragica Cavlovic & fam.
+Millie Sanders from the family
+ Katherine Jancetic from Peter & Dragica Cavlovic
Give donation for Novena Masses for your faithful departed to be said in our church from Nov. 2nd to 10th.
Order Masses for 2011 soon if you wish to have them said on the specific date.